Ministries are asked to provide performance status information at the end of each FY on their key policies, programmes and projects, using the WoG Annual Performance Reporting Template provided and they are asked to provide performance progress information at the end of the 1st 6 months of each FY using the WoG Progress Reporting Template.
This information should demonstrate an alignment of the Ministry’s key initiatives to the related national goals/outcomes of Vision 2030 Jamaica, Sustainable Development Goals, Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF) 2021-2024 key action, and Priorities of Government. The performance report will require the Ministry to better communicate the logic of each priority initiative based on its objectives; related strategies; desired results; risks to and present issues/constraints in implementation; major achievements made over the past 5 years; valuable lessons learned during implementation; performance results for the present financial year on key targets; financial information relating to budget allocation and expenditure; and explanation of any variance and recommendations on mitigating strategies to be implemented within the next financial year.